Bandit brand ambassadors

There are few things we like more than stealing adventure; making friends is one of those things!

Let’s face it, adventure is more fun with friends! As Bandit Outdoors continues to grow, we are looking for new friends that catch our vision and help us promote our message.


Bandit Brand Ambassadors

Countries Represented

US States Represented

Number of National Parks with Bandit Pics

Meet our Bandit Brand Ambassadors

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Wanna be a brand Ambassador?

If you love Bandit Outdoors and our gear / mission / lifestyle, keep reading!

Stealing adventure can mean different things to different people, and we want to hear how Bandit Outdoors has helped you steal adventure. It could be that you now have the perfect bag to throw in an overhead bin on your next flight or maybe one of our bags has helped you carry a lens that helped you ge the perfect shot! Maybe it is a lucky hoodie you wore as you beat your favorite video game and now wear it for every game since. Maybe it is a bag you and your family enjoy on an afternoon hike to unwind.

If you are passionate about us, we want to hear from you! Fill out and application and we’ll reach out if we feel you are ready to join the prestigeous ranks of Bandit Brand Ambassador!


We LOVE adventure! Our team has been all over this world representing Bandit Outdoors and we don’t want to stop there! We’d love to see where Bandit gear takes you. Post your adventures with #BanditOutdoors so we can live vicariously through your coolness.

Be our buddy

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